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5,365 Sq Ft
4 Apex Business Centre, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4SB
Light industrial, Industrial, Office, Business park, Research & Development, Other, Offices, Other Property Types & Opportunities
For sale: £625,000.00 To rent: £55,750.00 Per Annum
3,933 Sq Ft
63 Knowl Piece, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0TY
Office, Light Industrial, Business park, Showroom, Research & Development, Offices, Industrial, Other Property Types & Opportunities
For sale: POA To rent: ROA
2,500 - 14,337 Sq Ft
Unit 2 Sherwood Place, 155 Sherwood Drive, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK3 6RT
Office, Business park, Healthcare, Research & Development, Other, Mixed use, Offices, Other Property Types & Opportunities