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Agent's details

Unit 18L/M, Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 4JB

To rent: ROA|2,826 Sq Ft|Warehouse, General Industrial, Industrial

Property details

SIZE2,826 Sq Ft
ADDRESSUnit 18L/M, Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 4JB
TYPEWarehouse, General Industrial, Industrial
POSTED ON27th January 2025


Hartlebury Trading Estate is located on Crown Lane, Hartlebury, Worcestershire, directly off the main A449 dual carriageway. The A449 links directly to Junction 6 of the M5 approximately 10 miles distant, with Worcester City Centre approximately 8 miles and Kidderminster Town Centre 4 miles approximately. The M5 in turn links with the M6, M42, M40 and National Motorway Network. The estate can also be accessed off Walton Lane, Hartlebury, with Hartlebury Train Station within 100 yards of this estate entrance.

Unit 18L and M provides a mid terrace double industrial/warehouse property of steel frame construction under a steel sheeted roof and part block/brick and profile clad elevations. The unit provides an open plan layout with painted concrete floor, LED lighting and has a clear working height of 4.5m. The unit can be accessed via both pedestrian doors and two electric roller shutters with widths of 3.8m and heights of 4.42m. The unit also provides a small carpeted office to the left hand side, along with WCs located at the rear. Externally there is parking to the front of the units and the ability to load and unload from the front. Unit 18N is also available providing a further 1,661 sq ft.

2,826 sq ft (162.54 sq m)

Mid terrace double warehouse with office

Two roller shutter doors

To be fully refurbished

Car parking and forecourt loading

Unit 18N is also available providing a further 1,661 sq ft

CCTV, security guards and on site Estate Office

Hartlebury is the largest trading estate in Worcestershire offering a wide range of unit sizes, on site management office, 24 hour security, CCTV system, vehicle number plate recognition system and good communication links allowing easy access to motorway network.
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 107976 )


Location: Unit 18L/M, Hartlebury Trading Estate, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 4JB

Hartlebury (0.3 miles)

Kidderminster (3.7 miles)

Droitwich Spa (5.1 miles)

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