ADDRESSDyce Industrial Park, 4e Wellheads Crescent, Dyce, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire
TYPEGeneral Industrial, Industrial
POSTED ON8th November 2024
The property comprises an end terrace industrial unit with single storey office block to the front.
The subjects are laid out to provide workshop and office accommodation along with staff welfare facilities.�
The unit is of steel portal frame construction with concrete block dado walls harled�externally and clad above with PVC�coated metal sheeting. The roof is pitched and clad with corrugated sheeting, incorporating translucent rooflights with inner insulated panels and the floor is concrete.�
The single storey office block situated to the front of the unit is of concrete block construction harled externally under a flat mineral felt covered roof.� ( Agency Pilot Software ref: 6385 )