ADDRESS18 Imex Business Centre, 7 , Craig Leith Road, Stirling, FK7 7WU
TYPEGeneral Industrial, Industrial
POSTED ON21st October 2024
Mex Business Centre comprises a modern development of refurbished industrial and office units, arranged over a single terrace benefitting from on-site parking. There are a total of 14 industrial units and 6 office suites. The building is of steel frame construction with a mixture of profile clad sheeting and brick walls under a pitched clad roof. Each unit can be accessed via a commercial roller shutter door and separate pedestrian access is also provided. Internally, the units offer open plan workshop accommodation with kitchenette and WC facilities. The units benefit from concrete floors, adequate natural light via translucent roof panels, 3 phase electricity supply and roller shutter doors.
The centre is situated approximately 1 mile southeast of Stirling City Centre and is adjacent to the Springkerse Industrial area. The estate is located on the south side of the A905 Kerse Road and is accessed via the Broadleys Roundabout. It is a well-established business location with surrounding occupiers including Stirling Audi, Menzies, BMW, Mini, Inch Volkswagen, Citroen, Tilestar, Screwfix and FES. ( Agency Pilot Software ref: 53655 )