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Agent's details

Greentrees Caravan Store , Hurn Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1WD

To rent: £71,000.00 Per Annum|6,526 Sq Ft|General Industrial, Industrial

Property details

TO RENT£71,000.00 Per Annum
SIZE6,526 Sq Ft
ADDRESSGreentrees Caravan Store , Hurn Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1WD
TYPEGeneral Industrial, Industrial
TENURETo Let, Under Offer
POSTED ON7th February 2025


The unit comprises a modern industrial showroom building providing good quality accommodation.
The showroom has tiled flooring and is air conditioned. The mezzanine is accessed by an attractive staircase providing additional sales area.
The workshop has three loading doors and well fitted for vehicle maintenance.

( Agency Pilot Software ref: 336471 )


Location: Greentrees Caravan Store , Hurn Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1WD

Wymondham (10.0 miles)

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