ADDRESSUnits 14-18, Oakwood Business Park, Old Great North Road, Sawtry, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 5XN
TYPEGeneral Industrial, Industrial
TENURETo Let, For Sale Freehold
POSTED ON27th November 2024
The property provides a brand-new terrace of five business/industrial units following on from the success of the first phase which hosts occupiers such as Screwfix. The units are still under construction with practical completion due before the end of 2024.
Size options for units 14-18 are available from 3,595 sq ft but with multiple combinations potentially available to provide a total of 19,709 sq ft subject to construction timetable and availability.
The units benefit from the following:- Each unit has an office, toilet, kitchenette and first floor windows ready to accommodate further fit-out if required. 3-phase power 8m eaves (approximately 9.8m ridge height) LED lighting throughout Electric loading doors Exterior lighting and unit number Good levels of car parking Fibre broadband connection A standard occupier board will be erected Additional board over roller shutter is available if required (subject to agreement and cost) Option for further fit out items to be installed (subject to agreement and costs)
Units 14-18, Oakwood Business Park, Old Great North Road, Sawtry, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 5XNGBCambridgeshirePE28 5XN52, Old Great North Road