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Agent's details

Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1RH

For sale: £1,350,000.00|4,777 Sq Ft|Warehouse, General Industrial, Mixed Use, Showroom, Retail Park, Industrial, Other Property Types & Opportunities, Retail

Property details

FOR SALE£1,350,000.00
SIZE4,777 Sq Ft
ADDRESSOakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1RH
TYPEWarehouse, General Industrial, Mixed Use, Showroom, Retail Park, Industrial, Other Property Types & Opportunities, Retail
TENUREUnder Offer, For Sale Freehold
POSTED ON9th December 2024


The property comprises a single-storey vehicle
repair workshop, which includes an MOT testing
facility. The building is of brick wall construction
with a pitched roof, with an eaves height of
approximately 11ft or 3.35m, a 3 phase power
supply and gas heating to the workshop area.
The workshop has space for 3 ramps and a MOT
testing facility. A full list of the equipment is
available on request.
There is an office and customer reception area,
storage plus staff room and WC facilities.
Externally there is on site parking for up to 9
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 418 )


Location: Oakcroft Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1RH

Morden (4.8 miles)

Wimbledon (5.1 miles)

South Wimbledon (5.4 miles)

Chessington North (0.5 miles)

Tolworth (0.8 miles)

Chessington South (1.1 miles)

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