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Agent's details

Former Halfway Houses Primary School, Southdown Road, Minster On Sea, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BE

For sale: POA|3.75 Acres|Land, Other, Residential, Commercial Land, Other Property Types & Opportunities

Property details

SIZE3.75 Acres
ADDRESSFormer Halfway Houses Primary School, Southdown Road, Minster On Sea, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BE
TYPELand, Other, Residential, Commercial Land, Other Property Types & Opportunities
TENUREUnder Offer, For Sale Freehold
POSTED ON17th October 2024


- Opportunity to acquire a former school and associated land with scope for redevelopment (STPP)

- Site allocated for residential development - up to 60 no. dwellings (Policy A20.9 of the Swale Local Plan 2017)

- Approximately 1,126 sq m (12,120 sq ft) GIA of existing accommodation

- Site area extends to approximately 1.52 hectares (3.75 acres)

- Located on the outskirts of Minster on Sea approximately 1.6 km south of Sheerness town centre

- Suitable for a variety of alternative uses or redevelopment including residential, care or commercial (subject to obtaining the necessary planning consents)

- Freehold with vacant possession

- Unconditional and subject to planning offers are invited

- Price on application
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 29098 )


Location: Former Halfway Houses Primary School, Southdown Road, Minster On Sea, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BE

Queenborough (1.1 miles)

Sheerness-on-Sea (1.5 miles)

Swale (2.5 miles)

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