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Agent's details

13 , Market Street, Forfar, DD8 3EY

For sale: POA|6,245 Sq Ft|Office, Mixed Use, Offices, Other Property Types & Opportunities

Property details

SIZE6,245 Sq Ft
ADDRESS13 , Market Street, Forfar, DD8 3EY
TYPEOffice, Mixed Use, Offices, Other Property Types & Opportunities
TENUREUnder Offer, For Sale Freehold
POSTED ON4th November 2024


The subjects comprise a large ground, basement and first floor standalone office building of traditional stone construction and a pitched slate roof.

The main entrance is accessed from the car park to the ground floor. The basement can also be accessed directly from street level on Market Street. Each floor contains a number of open plan office rooms, as well toilet and kitchenette facilities.

The subjects may suit a variety of different occupiers or redevelopment subject to consents. ( Agency Pilot Software ref: 52670 )


Location: 13 , Market Street, Forfar, DD8 3EY
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