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Agent's details

4 Storey Town Centre Property, 1 Station Approach, Penarth, CF64 3EE

For sale: £550,000.00|Retail, Office, Offices

Property details

FOR SALE£550,000.00
ADDRESS1 Station Approach, Penarth, Cardiff, CF64 3EE
TYPERetail, Office, Offices
TENUREFor Sale Freehold
POSTED ON1st December 2023


• Available For Sale with full vacant possession a highly prominent 4-storey town centre property considered suitable for a variety of retail, business and hospitality uses.

• Situated in a highly prominent location on the corner of Station Road and Victoria Road, Penarth.

• Immediately available For Sale, Freehold tenure and with full vacant possession at an asking price of £550,000.


Location: 1 Station Approach, Penarth, Cardiff, CF64 3EE

Penarth (0.1 miles)

Dingle Road (0.4 miles)

Cogan (0.9 miles)

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