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Agent's details

The Waverley Hotel, 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 5DT

For sale: £725,000.00|0 - 4,926 Sq Ft|Hotels, Licensed & Leisure

Property details

FOR SALE£725,000.00
SIZE0 - 4,926 Sq Ft
ADDRESSThe Waverley Hotel, 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 5DT
TYPEHotels, Licensed & Leisure
TENUREFor Sale Freehold
POSTED ON10th June 2024


Situated in Tregonwell Road where other hotels and guest houses can be found, the hotel benefits from a generous fitted kitchen/diner, 4 reception rooms, conservatory, a utility room, three owners accommodation bedrooms to the ground floor and bathroom and 9 en-suite bedrooms and 2 further bedrooms which are not en-suite one of which is currently used as a linen store. The owners' accommodation 3 bedrooms and bathroom. The property also offers a walled rear garden laid mainly to lawn, vegetable patch, covered patio area, greenhouse, timber garden shed, off road parking and garage.
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 1716 )


Location: The Waverley Hotel, 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead, Somerset, TA24 5DT
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