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Key Points
Highly Prominent Employment Use Development Opportunity
The plot comprises greenfield land which has previously been used for agricultural purposes. Access will be via Tettenhall Way which links directly to the a new roundabout junction on Ashford Road in line with the site masterplan.
The plot sits within a medium scale mixed use development as per the planning and site history detailed below.
The site lies adjacent to Junction 6 of the M2 providing excellent road links to the M25 and London as well as to Dover.
The available plot is situated to the south of three commercial plots occupied by Aldi supermarket, LNT Carehome and Premier Inn Hotel and to the east of an area of open public space.
The available Plot E of regular shape measuring approximately 3ha allocated for employment use.
Parcel E has an Allocation for employment use within B1a Office Accommodation, B1b – Research and Development and B1c – Light Industrial space. The site remains allocated in the adopted Local Plan July 2017 for “18,525 sq.m of B1a, B1b, B1c class employment uses (with a further 2 ha reserved for future employment use)” under Policy MU7.
The outline planning permission covering Plot E (application number 15/504264/OUT) has expired. Plot E currently has an allocation in the Local Plan for B1(a), B1(b) and B1(c) uses.
Faversham (0.6 miles) Selling (2.9 miles) Teynham (4.0 miles) |
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