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Agent's details

Bracknell Gate, RG12

For sale: POA|To rent: ROA|22,658 Sq Ft|Warehouse, Industrial

Property details

SIZE22,658 Sq Ft
ADDRESSBracknell Gate, Western Road, Bracknell, RG12 1RT
TYPEWarehouse, Industrial
TENURETo Let, Under Offer, For Sale Freehold, For Sale Leasehold
POSTED ON15th January 2025


Key Points

  • Planning consent secured
  • Prominent gateway location
  • 10m eaves height
  • 3 level access doors
  • Use Class B8 and E(g)
  • Available to occupy within 12 months
  • Summary

    Pre let / design and build opportunity for a new warehouse / industrial unit in a highly prominent location for sale or to let in Bracknell


    Pre let / design and build opportunity for a new warehouse / industrial unit situated in a highly prominent gateway location in Bracknell.


    The site is accessed via Western Road. The A329 to the south leads to the M4 (Junction 10) and the A322 to the south east leads to the M3 (Junction 3).

    The site is in walking distance of Bracknell town centre and the Lexicon as well as Bracknell station.


    Please contact the sole agents for further information or an appointment to view.


    The unit is available to let or for sale.


    The Gross Internal floor areas (GIA) are as follows:


    - 10m eaves
    - Available power 850 KVA
    - 2 level access loading doors
    - Use Class B8 and E(g)
    - Prominent gateway location
    - Self contained site
    - 2 storey offices
    - Fully fitted Grade A offices
    - 28 car parking spaces
    - Electric car charging
    - EPC Target: A
    - BREEAM Target: Very Good

    Legal Costs & VAT

    Each party to pay their own legal costs. We understand the property is elected for VAT.


    Detailed Planning Consent for Warehouse (B8) and Industrial Use (Eg) was granted on 24 October 2024. Planning reference 22/00879/FUL

    Anti-Money Laundering Regulations

    To comply with Anti Money Laundering regulations, Haslams Surveyors LLP undertake ID checks for all successful purchasers and tenants where legislation requires us to do so.


    Location: Bracknell Gate, Western Road, Bracknell, RG12 1RT

    Bracknell (0.4 miles)

    Martins Heron (1.3 miles)

    Ascot (3.5 miles)

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