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Agent's details

Carolgate, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6DY

For sale: £212,500.00|3,380 Sq Ft|Retail - High Street, Retail

Property details

FOR SALE£212,500.00
SIZE3,380 Sq Ft
ADDRESSCarolgate, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6DY
TYPERetail - High Street, Retail
TENUREUnder Offer, For Sale Freehold
POSTED ON28th February 2022



The property has full frontage onto Carolgate with a large ground floor retail area which includes a rear single storey flat roof extension with storage and WCs to the rear. Stairs lead from the ground floor retail area to the upper floors with useful rooms for storage, staff facilities etc. or possible refurbishment and conversion to office space or residential, subject to consents.

The property is grade II listed and within the town centre Conservation Area.


The property is located on the main pedestrianised street in Retford, Carolgate with nearby retailers including Wilko and Boots.

Retford is a vibrant and attractive market town with an immediate population of approx. 22,000 and a 10 mile radius population of 216,700 (Source EGi Town Report).

Prime located retail unit on Carolgate, Retford.

Large ground floor retail area with additional upper floors (possible conversion)

Grade II listed

EPC band D
( Agency Pilot Software Ref: 431233 )


Location: Carolgate, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6DY

Retford (0.4 miles)

Worksop (7.5 miles)

Gainsborough Lea Road (8.3 miles)

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