ADDRESSDevelopment Land, Inverness Airport Business Park, Dalcross, Inverness, IV2 7JB
TYPELand, Commercial Land
TENURETo Let, For Sale Freehold
POSTED ON4th April 2024
Phase 1 extends to a total of 32.1 acres.
Phase 1 site will be fully serviced by 1st September 2017 to provide electricity, water, telecoms and foul drainage connections. There is no gas supply.
Fully serviced sites are available for sale (subject to ground lease).
Purchasers will be offered a 125 year ground lease at a peppercorn rent in exchange for a grassum payment.
Purchasers will be responsible for securing detailed planning consent for any proposed building. Outline planning consent has been granted covering industrial, hotel, commercial and office uses under Use Classes 4 (Business), 5 (General Industrial), 6 (Storage and Distribution) and 7 (Hotels) of the Use Classes Order 1997.
It is anticipated that key frontage sites will suit hotel and office users with the rear facing sites suiting industrial users.
The entire development will be to a high standard including landscaped areas as shown on the proposed master plan.
Occupiers will pay a service charge for maintenance of common areas.
Structured development proposed through a design code prepared by IABP to create a high quality environment and surrounds.
SALE TERMS Fully serviced plots are available to purchase based on a 125 year ground lease at a peppercorn rent per annum. There will be no rent reviews due under the ground leases. In exchange occupiers will pay a grassum payment. Occupiers will be responsible for securing detailed planning consent for any proposed buildings. Planning enquires should be directed to the Highland Council Planning Department.
Occupiers will enter into a development agreement whereby any proposed buildings will begin construction within 12 months from the date of purchase. Full details on this development clause are available from the sole selling agents. For further information and full quoting terms for specific plots please contact the sole selling agents.
For further information and full quoting terms for specific plots please contact the sole selling agents.
Purchasers and occupiers of IABP may be eligible for grant assistance from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE). IABP qualifies for Tier 1 Regional Selective Assistance (RSA). Interested parties should contact the sole selling agents who can provide contact details at Highlands and Islands Enterprise to discuss grant availability. ( Agency Pilot Software ref: 31307 )