ADDRESSUnit 4B, Barham Road, Forties Commercial Campus, Dunfermline, KY11 2XB
TYPETrade counter, Industrial, General Industrial, Industrial Park, Light Industrial, Storage, Retail
POSTED ON1st April 2020
Rosyth is approximately 4 miles South of Dunfermline and 1 mile North West of the new Queensferry Crossing. The properties benefit from a prominent road side location fronting onto Barham Road, Rosyth Europarc’s main thoroughfare.
Rosyth Europarc is ideally located providing easy access to all areas of Fife via a dedicated slip road on to the M90 motorway which links the central belt to the North of Scotland.
Three recently refurbished trade counter/industrial units, mid terrace, steel portal frame construction. Internally, the units have a minimum eaves height of 5.95m rising to 7.7m, adequately lit via translucent and fluorescent lighting. Male & Female WC facilities, 3 phase power gas supply.