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70,000 Sq Ft
Queens Hotel, 1-3 Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 1NS
Hotels, Licensed & Leisure
47,582 Sq Ft
139-142, North Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1RU
Retail - High Street, Healthcare, Hotels, Other, Retail - High Street, Restaurants/Cafes, Residential, Retail, Other Property Types & Opportunities, Licensed & Leisure
1,538 Sq Ft
Nutley Arms, Nutley, Uckfield
Pubs/Bars/Clubs, Licensed & Leisure
0.3 Acres
Former Lancing Police Station, 107-111 North Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 9BB
Office, Healthcare, Residential, Residential, Restaurants/Cafes, Residential, Residential, Offices, Other Property Types & Opportunities, Licensed & Leisure
862 Sq Ft
22A High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2LN
Office, Retail - High Street, Restaurants/Cafes, Offices, Retail, Licensed & Leisure
25-27 Station Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9DE
Flat, Retail - High Street, Leisure Property, Restaurant/Cafes, Restaurant/Cafes, Residential, Retail, Licensed & Leisure
7,238 Sq Ft
The Old Racecourse, Lewes, BN7 1UR
Leisure Property, Licensed & Leisure
Kingston Wharf West, Brighton Road, Shoreham-By-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6RN
Office, Retail - High Street, Land, Light Industrial, Leisure Property, Residential, Offices, Retail, Commercial Land, Industrial, Licensed & Leisure
For sale: £125,000.00 To rent: £27,250.00 Per Annum
4,413 Sq Ft
6-8 New Street, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3BT
Restaurants/Cafes, Licensed & Leisure
250 Sq M
The Woof (The Preston Brewery Tap), 197 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6SA
0.03 Acre
Brighton Rocks, 6 Rock Place, Brighton, BN2 1PF
Other, Pubs/Bars/Clubs, Other Property Types & Opportunities, Licensed & Leisure
1,929 Sq Ft
The Working Men's Club Malling Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2RJ
Office, Land, Leisure Property, Residential, Offices, Commercial Land, Licensed & Leisure
For sale: £650,000.00 To rent: £15.00 Per Sq Ft
3,267 Sq Ft
The Old Library, Albion Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2ND
2,844 Sq Ft
79 - 80 Western Road, Hove, BN3 2JQ
Restaurants/Cafes, General Retail, Retail - High Street, Licensed & Leisure, Retail
2,384 Sq Ft
High Street, Uckfield, TN22 1RJ
Office, Retail - High Street, Land, Leisure Property, Residential, Restaurants/Cafes, Residential, Offices, Retail, Commercial Land, Licensed & Leisure
For sale: £350,000.00 To rent: ROA
3,241 Sq Ft
Unit B, Croft Park, 112 Icarus Avenue, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 0UW
Office, Retail - High Street, Leisure Property, Residential, Offices, Retail, Licensed & Leisure
For sale: POA To rent: £15,000.00 Per Annum
680 Sq Ft
The Waterfront Caf�, Shoreham Waterfront, Salt Marsh Road, Shoreham, BN43 5QJ
Office, Restaurants/Cafes, Offices, Licensed & Leisure
2,971 Sq Ft
Vigoes Cottages, Sheffield Green, Sheffield Park, Lewes, TN22 3RB
20,507 Sq Ft
Astley House, Spital Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1PW
Office, Retail - High Street, Land, General Industrial, Healthcare, Leisure Property, Other, Showroom, Residential, Residential, Offices, Retail, Commercial Land, Industrial, Other Property Types & Opportunities, Licensed & Leisure
For sale: £250,000.00 To rent: £16,950.00 - £40,000.00 Per Annum
630 - 18,400 Sq Ft
Atelier Lewes, Brooks Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2BY
Office, Retail - High Street, Light Industrial, Leisure Property, Residential, Residential, Offices, Retail, Industrial, Licensed & Leisure